Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Casserolening

In 2006, my friends Shannon and David threw a party for the 4th of July. They were known for their parties, and we were quite excited to be a part of it.

Shannon worked with my best friend Jim, along with a few others. At work, they decided to have a Casserole-Off at the party. I was excited to be a part of this.

Jim made a casserole from a recipe book I'd purchased; it will be discussed on this blog. his casserole was a savory meat-based casserole, and was quite well-received. I'll post the recipe later.

I made a ziti, parmesan, thyme, and spinach casserole; our friend Kim is quite fond of this one. Also: recipe later.

There was another casserole, made by our friend Jen, and I was shocked at its severe deliciousness. It was an old-school Southern staple that I'd never heard of: pineapples, cheddar cheese, and crackers were the main players. Tasty.

And then, there was Jim's and my crowning achievement.

In my "good" casserole book, there was a recipe that sounded downright vile: Ham & Lima Bean. Hork. That sounded more like a punishment than dinner.

So we decided to make this casserole.

We didn't actually follow the recipe, though. We altered it.

We dumped chunks of ham and a can of lima beans into a pan, then covered this concoction with multicolored sprinkles.

We were dismayed when nobody ate it. Perhaps the Ham, Lima Bean & Sprinkle Casserole can find love somewhere, with a nice farm family.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! That will go down in the history books as the most creative dish at a pool party that no one actually ate. Didn't you guys make it for Jay Crosby because he was lame and didn't make a casserole?!?
